The information provided on this website is designed to provide the consumer with important information about the serious health risks and the legal claims that may from the aggressive marketing, prescription, and use of Vioxx (rofecoxib), an arthritis and acute pain medication.
Vioxx has exposed those who took the drug to serious injury or death since its entry into the market in 1999. FDA’s stamp of approval led many to believe that extensive testing had proven the drug safe. However, recent articles published in the Wall St. Journal and the NY Times contradict this belief.
A three-year study of 1,300 Vioxx users found 15 cases of heart attack, stroke and blood clots; this was three times the number reported among participants taking a placebo. Merck maintains this risk was relatively low, but it nonetheless was enough to warrant a Vioxx recall to prevent further injury.
Please see the links below more information.
Vioxx Clinical Issues
Vioxx Legal Issues
Vioxx News
Vioxx Timeline