In 2002, reporters at The Boston Globe published a series of articles detailing an epidemic of sex abuse crimes committed by priests and other authority figures operating out of local Catholic dioceses.
These explosive revelations inspired similar investigations around the country, including in New York, which has a very large Catholic population. Nearly one third of New Yorkers identify as Catholic, and there are more than 500 Roman Catholic Churches throughout the state.
Unfortunately, this also means there is a significant number of priest sex abuse claims.
While the first well-known clergy sex abuse claim in New York goes back decades to the 1980s, the scandal of rampant clergy sex abuse gained significant momentum in the early 2000s. Since then, thousands of New York priests and other clergy members have been accused of abuse.
In 2019, the Child Victims Act (CVA) was signed into law, extending the statute of limitations for childhood sexual abuse survivors to file a legal claim against their abuser. The CVA also created a one-year “lookback window” for those who were previously barred from pursuing a claim.
During that one-year lookback period alone (which expired on August 13, 2021), more than 3,300 child sexual abuse lawsuits involving the Catholic Church and its affiliates and clergy were filed in the state of New York.
If you are a survivor of priest sexual abuse or abuse by a brother, cardinal, teacher, coach, volunteer, or another employee of the Catholic Church in New York, you have rights.
Our experienced attorneys can help you seek justice for the harm you’ve suffered. Call our law firm at 1-800-748-7115 to find out if you have a claim.
Proving Your Claim
If the sexual abuse you experienced happened years or even decades ago, you may worry that it’s too late to pursue justice. But it’s important to know that civil lawsuits don’t require the same burden of proof as criminal cases.
While criminal cases require proving guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, civil cases only require that you prove that the person more than likely committed the sexual abuse.
You don’t need to be able to provide physical evidence of the abuse. Your testimony will be key to proving your claim. If other victims of your abuser have also come forward to share their stories, this will also likely help your case.
You do not need to currently live in New York to file a claim against a New York clergy member who abused you.
Our New York clergy abuse attorneys can help you build your case. Call us at 1-800-748-7115 for a free, confidential consultation.
Statutes of Limitations for Child Sexual Abuse in NY
The Child Victims Act (CVA) was signed into law by Governor Andrew Cuomo in 2019. The CVA extended the statute of limitations for survivors of child sexual abuse in criminal and civil cases in New York. Under the CVA:
- Survivors of abuse by clergy members can file a civil lawsuit against their alleged abuser until they reach age 55. This is a significant change from the previous age limit of 23.
- Felony charges for child sexual abuse can now be filed until the victim is 28 years of age.
- Misdemeanor charges can be filed until the alleged victim reaches 25 years of age.
How Legislation Has Increased Clergy Abuse Claims
The Roman Catholic Church has paid billions of dollars in settlements for sexual abuse claims throughout the United States, and this number grows by the day.
Part of this is because many states, including New York, have extended the statute of limitations, giving victims more time to come forward.
Many states have also created special lookback periods, giving victims (who were previously barred from doing so) the opportunity to come forward about the clergy sexual abuse they suffered and make claims.
As soon as the Child Victims Act was signed in 2019, clergy sexual abuse claims skyrocketed. This highlights the problem of rampant sexual abuse in the Catholic Church and illustrates why this kind of legislation is so important.
List of Accused Priests in NY
The NY clergy abuse lists below include the names of priests, clergy, and members of religious orders who have been credibly accused of sexual abuse.
This information was compiled by the Bishop Accountability project. Each Diocese also maintains lists of accusations it considers credible.
The accused clergy members should be considered innocent until proven guilty. Most settlement agreements reached by the Diocese do not include an admission of guilt.
Even if you don’t see the name of a clergy member on these lists, it does not mean there have been no accusations made against them, nor does it mean you don’t have a claim. You may also be able to file a claim against a priest or other clergy member who is not listed below.
List of Accused Priests and Clergy in the Diocese of Albany, New York
There are 108 credibly accused clergy members in the Diocese of Albany, NY.
Fr. Anthony Adams | Fr. Neil Cawlings | Fr. Ralph Di Pasquale |
Fr. Joseph Amato | Fr. Charles R. Celeste | Fr. Almerico Dicerbo |
Fr. David G. Bentley | Fr. Vincent J. Ciotoli | Fr. Joseph F. DiMaggio |
Fr. John Patrick Bertolucci | Fr. John F. Connolly | Fr. Louis E. Douglas |
Fr. Paul Bondi | Fr. Michael Cronin | Fr. Edward F. English |
Fr. Anthony Boucher | Fr. Anthony Curran | Fr. Ferdinand Ermlich |
Fr. John W. Broderick | Fr. James D. Daley | Fr. Joseph W. Estabrook |
Fr. Douglas Brown | Fr. Albert E. DelVecchio | Fr. Raymond J. Ethier |
Fr. Liam Casey | Rosaire Anne DeMare | Fr. John F. Fitzpatrick |
Fr. Charles A. Gaffigan | Fr. Edward N. Leroux | Br. George Puello |
Deacon Angel Garcia | Regina Losee | Fr. Guy J. Puglisi |
Fr. Frank M. Genevive | Fr. Daniel J. Maher | Fr. Robert H. Purcell |
Fr. Thomas George | Fr. Joseph A. Mancuso | Fr. Salvatore A. Rodino |
Fr. Thomas R. Gilmartin | Fr. Cabell B. Marbury | Fr. Joseph R. Romano |
Fr. Edward Gilmour | Giovanna Marie Marcoccia | Fr. John J. Rooney |
Mercedes Graber | Fr. Richard Mataconis | Fr. James J. Rosch |
Marionella Graham | Fr. James McDermott | Fr. Ignatius Rossi |
Fr. Anthony David Gulley | Fr. James J. McDevitt | Fr. Francis X. Ryan |
Fr. Ladislaus Guzielek | Fr. Sean McMahon | Fr. Richard A. Severson |
Fr. Mark Haight | Fr. James R. McNerney | Fr. Robert S. Shinos |
Br. James Vincent Hanney | Fr. Lawrence McTavey | Fr. Anthony Sidoti |
Fr. Francis J. Hartigan | Fr. John B. Mea | Sister Benedict Marie |
Fr. Robert Stephen Hatela | Fr. Francis P. Melfe | Sister Bernadette Marie |
Fr. William J. Heim | Fr. Gary J. Mercure | Sister Eileen Patrice |
Bishop Howard J. Hubbard | Fr. Gerard R. Miller | Fr. William M. Slavin |
Fr. Francis E. Husselbeck | Fr. Michael J. Miller | Fr. Donald Starks |
Fr. Richard Jones | Fr. John Minkler | Fr. R. Mansfield Starks |
Fr. Alan D. Jupin | Fr. J. Gregory Mulhall | Fr. James Michael Taylor |
Fr. Gerald D. Kampfer | Br. Clement Adan Murphy | Fr. Robert W. Taylor |
Fr. Joseph Donald Keffer | Fr. Dennis P. Murphy | Fr. Nellis Tremblay |
Fr. James E. Kelly | Fr. Jeremiah Nunan | Fr. Bernard R. Turner |
Fr. Joseph Keyrouze | Fr. John O’Connor | Fr. Carl A. Urban |
Fr. John Klebauskas | Fr. Donald J. Ophals | Fr. John Varno |
Fr. Peter Kranch | Fr. John Phillips | Fr. Gregory Weider |
Fr. Robert J. LeFevre | Fr. Lawrence M. Pizzuti | Fr. Dozia J. Wilson |
Fr. Andrew J. Lenahan | Fr. Edward C. Pratt | Barbara Wood |
List of Accused Clergy Members in the Diocese of Brooklyn, New York
There are 165 credibly accused priests and clergy members in the list of credibly accused in the Diocese of Brooklyn, NY.
Fr. John L. Abrams | Br. Leo Gillis | Fr. Uriroghene Okrokoto |
Fr. Anthony Acciarito | Fr. James Gotimer | Fr. Martin J. Osborne |
Fr. Joseph V. Agostino | Fr. James R. Gowdy | Fr. Cornelius T. Otero |
Fr. Bennet Akuzie | Fr. Robert Guiry | Fr. John J. Padian |
Fr. Eugene P. Arnaud | Fr. Dinualdo Destajo Gutierrez | Fr. Anthony J. Paone |
Fr. Louis Aufiero | Fr. Thomas G. Hagerty | Fr. Ronald P. Petroski |
Fr. William Authenrieth | Fr. Joseph Hassan | Br. Richard Pinke |
Br. David Baker | Fr. John Hauser | Fr. Stephen Placa |
Fr. John Bals | Fr. William J. Houston | Fr. Charles Plock |
Mary Juanita Barto | Deacon Edward J. Huckemeyer | Br. Edward Powers |
Fr. Hugo Bedoya | Fr. Francis J. Hughes | Fr. Adam Prochaski |
Fr. Thomas F. Brady | Fr. George Kayser | Fr. Joseph B. Pugliese |
Fr. Edward C. Brennan | Fr. Brian Keller | Fr. Arthur D. Purcell |
Br. Joseph F. Brocato | Fr. Thomas F. Kelly | Fr. Ricardo Raveneau |
Fr. Douglas L. Brown | Fr. Michael J. King | Fr. Francis X. Reilly |
Fr. Edward J. T. Burke | Fr. Adolph C. Klein | Fr. William Rettino |
Br. William M. Burns | Fr. Charles A. Kraus | Fr. Howard Joseph Richmond |
Br. Masseo Butteri | Fr. Joseph T. Lahey | Fr. Robert A. Rodriguez |
Fr. Hugh A. Byrne | Fr. James R. Lara | Fr. James E. Russo |
Fr. John W. Byrnes | Fr. Richard Lewkiewicz | Fr. Barry Ryan |
Fr. Joseph P. Byrns | Fr. John J. Lorinightus | Fr. Michael J. Salamone |
Fr. Roberto Antonio Cadavid Arroyave | Fr. Andrezj Lukianiuk | Fr. Michael Salerno |
Fr. Brian F.X. Callahan | Br. Alphonsus Maher | Fr. Joseph J. Schuck |
Fr. Francis J. Capellupo | Fr. Peter Mahoney | Fr. Patrick O. Sexton |
Fr. John D. Capillo | Fr. Charles M. Mangini | Fr. Vincent A. Sforza |
Fr. Nicholas J. Capua | Fr. Rudolph Manozzi | Fr. Daniel J. Sheehan |
Fr. Christopher Lee Coleman | Fr. Francis J. Manzo | Fr. James G. Sickler |
Fr. James P. Collins | Fr. Ralph J. Maresca | Fr. Gennaro Simonetti |
Br. Patrick C. Congdon | Mary Ann Mattes | Fr. James T. Smith |
Fr. Eugene A. Connolly | Fr. Edward L. Maurer | Fr. James P. Smyth |
Fr. Michael C. Conroy | Fr. John H. Maurer | Fr. Protasio Soares |
Fr. Augusto Cortez | Fr. Henry J. McCloud | Fr. John Soister |
Fr. Coleman J. Costello | Fr. Robert J. McConnin | Fr. George J. Stack |
Fr. Harold T. Cox | Fr. Webster J. McCue | Fr. John H. Stonebridge |
Fr. John A. Cross | Fr. Herbert J. McElroy | Fr. Frederick Strianese |
Fr. Lawrence A. Crowley | Fr. William McGlynn | Fr. James E. Sullivan |
Fr. William Cummings | Br. John McLoughlin | Fr. James Tahaney |
Fr. Alphonse Dallinger | Fr. John G. McLoughlin | Fr. John A. Thompson |
Fr. Vincent M. Daly | Br. John J. McMahon | Fr. Robert A. Titone |
Fr. Michael J. Dempsey | Fr. Edward J. McNicholas | Fr. Anthony M. Trapani |
Bishop Joseph P. Denning | Fr. Arthur Minichello | Fr. James C. Tugwood |
Fr. Thomas F. Denny | Br. Lewis Morrow | Fr. Paul Vazhapilly |
Fr. Enrique Diaz Jimenez | Fr. Thomas O. Morrow | Deacon Rogelio Vega |
Fr. Thomas David Dougherty | Fr. Francis X. Mulhall | Fr. Rocco Verrengio |
Fr. John R. Dwyer | Fr. Francis X. Nelson | Fr. George Voiland |
Fr. Francis J. Evans | Fr. Thomas Nohilly | Fr. Edward L. Walsh |
Fr. Anthony J. Failla | Fr. Joseph M. Nolan | Fr. Joseph J. Weber |
Fr. Romano J. Ferraro | Fr. James T. O’Brien | Fr. Charles H. White |
Fr. Robert A. Ferro | Br. Francis O’Lone | Fr. Kenneth Wicks |
Fr. William E. Finger | Br. Ben O’Reilly | Fr. George J. Wilders |
Fr. Hughes Francis J. | Fr. Thomas J. O’Rourke | Fr. Francis C. Wildgruber |
Fr. James I. J. Frost | Fr. Patrick Fursey O’Toole | Fr. William A. With |
Fr. Vincent Gallo | Fr. Anthony Ocloo | Fr. Benjamin Yander |
Fr. Otto L. Garcia | Fr. John J. O’Connor | Fr. George F. Zatarga |
Fr. Francis W. Gillen | Fr. Edward W. Offenheiser | Fr. Vincent A. Zollo |
List of Credibly Accused Priests and Clergy in the Diocese of Buffalo, New York
In the Diocese of Buffalo, NY, there are 208 priests and clergy listed.
Fr. Mark Andrzejczuk | Fr. Francis J. Hanna | Fr. Loren Nys |
Fr. Antoine P. Attea | Fr. Michael J. Harrington | Fr. Edmund J. O’Connor |
Fr. John R. Aurelio | Fr. Joseph J. Hassler | Fr. Richard O’Brien |
Fr. Ramon Aymerich | Fr. Brian M. Hatrick | Fr. Basil A. Ormsby |
Fr. Gary J. Bagley | Fr. James P. Hayes | Fr. Norbert F. Orsolits |
Fr. Francis B. Baratto | Fr. Louis J. Hendricks | Fr. Daniel J. Palys |
Fr. Lehr J. Barkenquest | Fr. Linus Hennessy | Fr. Martin L. Pavlock |
Fr. Benedict P. Barszcz | Fr. Roy Herberger | Fr. Joseph Henry Penkaul |
Fr. James T. Bartnik | Fr. J. Grant Higgins | Fr. David J. Peter |
Fr. Francis X. Baumgarten | Fr. Francis T. Hogan | Fr. George J. Pollard |
Fr. Donald W. Becker | Fr. Sylvester J. Holbel | Fr. Peter J. Popadick |
Fr. Robert G. Beiter | Fr. William J. Honer | Fr. Richard Prange |
Fr. S. Theodore Berg | Fr. Stanley Dominic Idziak | Fr. Joseph Rappl |
Fr. Valerio Bernardo | Fr. Fred D. Ingalls | Fr. Leo F. Reddy |
Fr. David W. Bialkowski | Fr. Pascal D. Ipolito | Fr. Richard Reina |
Fr. Robert J. Biesinger | Fr. Clement R. Jarnot | Fr. Dennis G. Riter |
Fr. Joseph Bissonette | Fr. Florian A Jasinski | Fr. David V. Roche |
Fr. Richard John Bohm | Fr. Gerald C. Jasinski | Fr. Charles S. Rochford |
Fr. George J. Brennan | Fr. Richard P. Judd | Fr. Antonio L. Rodriguez |
Fr. Aurelian W. Brzezniak | Fr. Michael P. Juran | Fr. Roy K. Ronald |
Fr. James Burson | Fr. Peter J. Karalus | Fr. Joseph S. Roth |
Fr. Francis C. Byrne | Fr. James Kasprzyk | Fr. Luke Rutter |
Fr. Michael J. Campbell | Fr. Edward L. Kazmierczak | Fr. John M. Ryan |
Fr. Thomas N. Ciolino | Fr. Francis de Paul Kealy | Fr. Ronald Sajdak |
Fr. John Cohane | Fr. John H. Kean | Fr. John J. Sardina |
Fr. Gerald P. Collins | Fr. Paul M. Keeling | Fr. Maurus Schenck |
Fr. Robert P. Conlin | Fr. Timothy J. Kelley | Fr. Joseph E. Schieder |
Fr. William Connor | Fr. James G. Kelly | Fr. Robert J. Schober |
Fr. J. Peter Conroy | Fr. Thomas L. Kemp | Fr. Joseph A. Schuster |
Fr. Mark Conv | Fr. John Kempczynski | Fr. Ronald P. Sciera |
Fr. Paul R. Coppola | Fr. Richard J. Keppeler | Fr. Gerald Paul Sheehan |
Fr. Lawrence Cornelissen | Fr. Nelson J. Kinmartin | Fr. Patrick Sheridan |
Fr. George J. Cotter | Fr. Charles A. Klauder | Fr. Lynn M. Shumway |
Fr. James H Cotter | Fr. Theodore Kocian | Fr. Ronald T. Silverio |
Fr. Richard C. Crumlish | Fr. Linus E. Kopczewski | Sister Anne |
Fr. Denman Dewey | Fr. Paul J. Kowalewski | Sister Claudia |
Fr. Edmund J. Dietzel | Fr. Stephen Joseph Ladika | Sister Julia |
Fr. Gregory Dobson | Fr. William W. Lanphear | Sr. Mary |
Fr. Louis S. Dolinic | Fr. Charles W. Lehmkuhl | Sr. Pauline Terese |
Fr. John J. Donnelly | Fr. Frederick D. Leising | Sr. Veronica |
Fr. Raymond A.J. Donohue | Fr. John D. Lewandowski | Fr. Howard B. Slack |
Fr. John L. Ducette | Fr. Michael M. Lewandowski | Fr. Arthur J. Smith |
Fr. Daniel G. Duggan | Fr. Henry V. Lex | Fr. Gerard A. Smyczynski |
Fr. Donald S. Fafinski | Fr. Donald J. Lutz | Fr. James Smyka |
Fr. Edwin Fagowski | Fr. Michael Lynch | Fr. Clatus E. Snyder |
Fr. Douglas F. Faraci | Fr. Bernard M. Mach | Fr. Edward J. Sobierajski |
Fr. John L. Farrand | Fr. Stephen Maguire | Fr. James A. Spielman |
Fr. Ralph P. Federico | Fr. Paul M. Marconi | Fr. Bernard Splawski |
Fr. Duane G. Fimbel | Fr. Loville N. Martlock | Fr. Chester S. Stachewicz |
Fr. Fred G. Fingerle | Fr. Fabian Maryanski | Fr. William George Stanton |
Fr. James E. Fitzgerald | Fr. Donald C. Mason | Fr. Robert A. Stolinski |
Fr. John J. Fox | Fr. Cronan Maxwell | Fr. Harry Richard Strassberger |
Fr. John Adriani | Fr. Rene Maynard | Fr. Adolph Szelagowski |
Fr. John S. Doyle | Fr. James E. McCarthy | Fr. Marion P. Tolczyk |
Fr. Michael R. Freeman | Fr. Leo F. McCarthy | Fr. Edward Townsend |
Fr. Joseph P. Friel | Fr. Thomas J. McCarthy | Fr. Franklin J. Tuchols |
Fr. Mark M. Friel | Fr. Francis W. McKenna | Fr. Samuel J. Venne |
Fr. Dennis A. Fronczak | Fr. Robert E. McNamara | Fr. Joseph J. Vogel |
Fr. Raymond Fullam | Fr. Joseph M. McPherson | Fr. Joseph P. Waclawski |
Fr. John Raymond Gabalski | Fr. Patrick J. Mendola | Fr. Edward J. Walker |
Fr. Joseph Gambino | Fr. Ronald Mierzwa | Fr. William G. Ward |
Fr. James C. Gould | Fr. Vincent P. Mooney | Fr. Charles M. Werth |
Fr. Richard A. Graeber | Fr. Robert D. Moss | Fr. Gervase White |
Fr. Gerard Leo Green | Fr. Edward E. Muerder | Fr. William F.J. White |
Fr. Thomas G. Gresock | Fr. Terrence N. Niedbalski | Fr. Paul Whitney |
Bishop Edward M. Grosz | Fr. Paul M. Nogaro | Fr. Mark Wolski |
Fr. Francis A. Growney | Fr. Jeffrey L. Nowak | Fr. Robert W. Wood |
Fr. James Cairnan Haggerty | Fr. Herold M. Nuwer | Fr. Thomas Wopperer |
Fr. John P. Hajduk | Fr. Mieczyslaw F. Nycz | Fr. Robert M. Yetter |
Fr. Frank Joseph Zuech |
List of Accused Clergy Members in the Diocese of Ogdensburg, New York
There are 52 clergy members and priests listed as credibly accused in the Diocese of Ogdensburg.
Fr. Fay W. Ager | Fr. Donald J. Manfred |
Fr. Floyd J. Brown | Fr. Roger M. Martin |
Fr. Joseph A. Conti | Fr. Gerald F. McGrath |
Fr. Francis Gordon Coseo | Fr. John F. McNamara |
Fr. Joseph A. Degan | Fr. Roland V. Menard |
Fr. James A. Delbel | Fr. Andrew Robert Mulvaney |
Fr. John L. Downs | Fr. Liam O’Doherty |
Fr. Robert O. Duford | Fr. Paul Oehler |
Fr. Joseph W. Elliott | Fr. John F. Pendergast |
Fr. John J. Fallon | Fr. Albert R. Plante |
Fr. Ronald J. Farchette | Fr. Thomas J. Robillard |
Fr. Bruce T. Favreau | Fr. Thomas W. Rogers |
Fr. George A. Fontaine | Fr. Donald E. Seguin |
Fr. Aquinas Reding | Fr. Gerald Sharland |
Fr. Charles J. Richard | Fr. Robert M. Shurtleff |
Fr. Joseph Arthur Francoeur | Fr. Herbert Skurski |
Fr. Edward L. Franklin | Fr. Thomas Squires |
Br. Roland A. Gaudette | Fr. Roland H. St. Pierre |
Fr. Theodore M. Gillette | Fr. Carl Stone |
Fr. John M. Hunt | Fr. George W. Tobin |
Fr. Frank M. Kearns | Fr. Michael A. Toth |
Fr. Edwin A. Kennedy | Fr. John M. Waterhouse |
Fr. John M. Kennedy | Fr. Clark S. White |
Fr. Emile G. LaLonde | Fr. John F. Wiley |
Fr. James M. Larche | Fr. David E. Wisniewski |
List of Accused Priests and Clergy in the Diocese of Rochester, New York
There are 73 accused priests and members of the clergy listed as credibly accused in the Diocese of Rochester.
Fr. Joseph Beatini | Fr. Robert W. Hammond | Fr. Wilfred S. Riley |
Fr. David L. Bonin | Fr. Austin B. Hanna | Fr. Foster P. Rogers |
Fr. James C. Burke | Fr. Richard A. Hart | Fr. Paul R. Schnacky |
Fr. Thomas W. Burr | Br. John Laurence Heathwood | Fr. Dennis R. Sewar |
Fr. Bernard A.L. Carges | Fr. David W. Heinsler | Fr. Dennis J. Shaw |
Fr. Albert H. Cason | Fr. G. Stuart Hogan | Fr. Gary P. Shaw |
Fr. John T. Cherry | Fr. Thomas Honold | Fr. David P. Simon |
Fr. Paul I. Cloonan | Fr. Daniel Karl | Sister Bernadine |
Fr. Vincent Paul Collins | Br. Lawrence A. Killelea | Fr. James F. Slattery |
Fr. Thomas Corbett | Fr. Robert James Klem | Fr. John Joseph Steger |
Fr. John M. Costello | Fr. Joseph E. Larrabee | Fr. Conrad J. Sundholm |
Madline Cox | Fr. William D. Lum | Fr. Harry R. Untereiner |
Fr. James J. Curry | Fr. Carsten P. Martensen | Fr. Thomas J. Valenti |
Fr. Joseph F. D’Aurizio | Fr. Charles J. McCarthy | Fr. Robert E. Voelkle |
Fr. Leo Emmett Davis | Fr. Robert A. Meng | Fr. Francis H. Vogt |
Fr. Leo Francis Dunn | Fr. John M. Merklinger | Fr. George C. Vogt |
Fr. George W. Eckl | Fr. Mark A. Miller | Fr. Otto Vogt |
Fr. Eugene G. Emo | Fr. Robert J. Miller | Fr. Michael Volino |
Fr. Ronald P. Frederick | Janice Nadeau | Br. John D. Walsh |
Fr. Robert Gaudio | Fr. Bernard C. Newcomb | Deacon Stephen Ward |
Fr. Anthony Giudice | Fr. William J. O’Malley | Fr. Timothy G. Weider |
Fr. John F. Gormley | Fr. Robert F. O’Neill | Fr. Robert J. Winterkorn |
Fr. David N. Gramkee | Fr. Richard J. Orlando | Fr. James T. Wolfe |
Fr. Joseph A. Grasso | Fr. Vincent Panepinto | |
Fr. Gerard J. Guli | Fr. Jacob R. Rauber |
List of Accused Priests and Clergy in the Diocese of Rockville Centre, New York
In the Diocese of Rockville Centre, NY, there are 128 credibly accused priests and clergy members listed.
Fr. Peter A. Allen | Fr. Matthew Fitzgerald | Fr. John T. Murphy |
Fr. Robert J. Allmendinger | Fr. Joseph F. Fitzpatrick | Fr. Thomas F. Murphy |
Fr. Arthur C. Anderson | Fr. Francis X. Gaeta | Fr. John G. Murray |
Fr. Louis F. Angeles | Fr. John F. Garvey | Fr. Kenneth T. Nee |
Fr. Joseph V. Arevalo | Fr. Robert J. Giuntini | Fr. Louis I. Newman |
Fr. Daniel G. Babis | Fr. William J. Gormley | Fr. Joseph Nohs |
Fr. James J. Bergin | Sister Maureen Gregory | Fr. Robert J. O’Connell |
Fr. Charles E. Bermingham | Fr. August Griffin | Fr. Michael J. O’Farrell |
Fr. Richard M. Berry | Bishop Robert Eric Guglielmone | Fr. Michael J. O’Leary |
Fr. James K. Bogert | Fr. John P. Halpin | Fr. Joseph O’Nolan |
Fr. William G. Breslawski | Fr. Michael R. Hands | Fr. Frank J. Parisi |
Fr. Brian J. Brinker | Br. Harold Harvers | Fr. Harold Hugh Paul |
Fr. Robert L. Brown | Fr. Kenneth C. Hasselbach | Fr. Steven J. Peterson |
Fr. William Michael Burke | Fr. George J. Hein | Fr. Adam Joseph Pfundstein |
Fr. John Robert Butler | Fr. Robert D. Huneke | Fr. Alan J. Placa |
Fr. Paul F. Butler | Fr. Richard Kammerer | Fr. Henry J. Reel |
Fr. Edward J. Byrne | Fr. William R. Karvelis | Fr. William J. Remey |
Fr. Gregory J. Cappuccino | Fr. Joseph F. X. Keyes | Fr. Charles A. Ribaudo |
Fr. Michael A. Carroll | Fr. Joseph Kozlowski | Fr. Brendan P. Riordan |
Fr. Joseph D. Casaciang | Fr. Joseph Lainesca | Fr. Ernest E. Robinson |
Fr. Joseph D. Casaclang | Fr. Frederick R. Learner | Br. Francis Rowles |
Fr. Peter Charland | Bishop Peter Anthony Libasci | Fr. Bernard J. Ryan |
Fr. Gerard J. Chasse | Fr. William R. Logan | Fr. Robert J. Saccacio |
Fr. Thomas J. Colgan | Br. Finian Magee | Fr. Thomas G. Saloy |
Fr. Charles G. Collins | Fr. John E. Mahoney | Fr. Severino A. Scala |
Fr. Basil Peter Congro | Deacon William D. Mahoney | Fr. Richard J. Schaefer |
Fr. Damian Lawrence Cooper | Fr. Gabriel Massaro | Fr. Thaddeus J. Semla |
Fr. Mario C. Costa | Fr. John H. McCabe | Fr. Donald R. Shane |
Sr. Gloria Czarniewicz | Fr. Joseph C. McComiskey | Fr. Augustine J. Sheehan |
Fr. Edward R. D’Andrea | Fr. R. Thomas McConaghy | Fr. Daniel P. Sheridan |
Fr. WIlliam G. Dailey | Fr. John R. McGann | Fr. William V. Singleton |
Fr. Raymond J. David | Fr. John J. McGeever | Sister De Neri |
Fr. Eligio Della Rosa | Fr. Brian A. McKeon | Fr. James G. Smith |
Fr. Dominic S. Devadoss | Fr. Edward L. Melton | Fr. Alfred B. Soave |
Fr. James C. Devita | Fr. George J. Michell | Fr. Raymond V. Stegmann |
Fr. Thomas F. DeVita | Fr. Andrew L. Millar | Fr. Walter Ladislaus Swietek |
Fr. Angelo J. Ditta | Fr. James C. Miller | Fr. Theodore Tsiakalos |
Fr. Francis T. Dobson | Fr. Salvatore J. Miraglia | Fr. Gerald S. Twomey |
Fr. Joseph Durmann | Fr. Thomas Morrin | Fr. Nicholas J. Unterstein |
Fr. Peter L. Duvelsdorf | Fr. John D. Mott | Fr. John P. Vitsas |
Fr. David G. Farley | Fr. Joseph T. Mundy | Fr. Eugene Vollmer |
Fr. Augustine Fernando | Br. Bryan Robert Murphy | Fr. James C. Williams |
Fr. Nicholas J. Figliola | Br. Howard Murphy | Fr. Gregory Yacyshyn |
List of Priests and Clergy Accused of Abuse in the Diocese of Syracuse, New York
In the Diocese of Syracuse, NY, 60 priests and clergy members are listed as credibly accused.
Fr. Paul F. Angelicchio | Fr. Donald J. Hebert | Fr. Thomas E. Neary |
Fr. Thomas Bayley | Fr. Leo J. Heizman | Fr. Robert A. Ours |
Fr. Robert J. Birchmeyer | Fr. Edgar M. Holihan | Fr. Joseph A. Pace |
Fr. Robert F. Bogan | Fr. Edgar P. Humphrey | Fr. Thomas M. Powell |
Fr. Roger A. Bowen | Fr. David J. Jutton | Fr. Albert J. Proud |
Fr. Paul A. Brigandi | Fr. Thomas F. Keating | Fr. Edward George Quaid |
Fr. Daniel W. Casey | Fr. William J. Kiefer | Fr. James A. Quinn |
Fr. Felix R. Colosimo | Fr. Edward X. Kieley | Fr. James F. Quinn |
Fr. Donald J. Crosby | Fr. Robert J. Kloster | Fr. Francis L. Sammons |
Fr. John H. Donovan | Fr. C. Vincent Lane | Fr. H. Charles Sewall |
Fr. Edmund J. Durr | Fr. Steven J. Litz, Jr. | Fr. Walter A. Sinnott |
Fr. Charles H. Eckermann | Fr. William A. Lorenz | Fr. Paul J. Slavetskas |
Fr. Francis J. Furfaro | Fr. John Lugowski | Fr. Conrad Somerville |
Fr. Luke V. Gallagher | Fr. William J. Lynch | Fr. Martin J. Tracy |
Fr. Bernard A. Garstka | Fr. Edward C. Madore | Fr. Thomas Trane |
Fr. Donald L. Gorman | Fr. George F. Mattice | Fr. John P. Wagner |
Fr. Thomas F. Guyder | Fr. John A. McCarthy | Fr. David J. Walker |
Fr. John F. Harrold | Fr. Chester A. Misercola | Fr. Jerome F. Weber |
Fr. Ferdinand A. Hattala | Fr. William J. Morris | Fr. Thomas J. Zedar |
Fr. James C. Hayes | Fr. John J. Morse | Fr. John M. Zeder |
List of Accused Priests and Clergy in the Archdiocese of New York, New York
There are 255 priests and clergy members listed as credibly accused in the Archdiocese of New York, NY.
Fr. Joseph Adamo | Fr. James Garisto | Fr. John T. Meehan |
Fr. John C. Albino | Fr. Gennaro Gentile | Fr. Mortimer J. Melican |
Fr. Joseph C. Ansaldi | Fr. Kenneth Gerathy | Fr. Henry Mills |
Fr. Eusebius Arundel | Fr. Thomas Gibbons | Fr. Leo Joseph Mojecki |
Sr. Linda Baisi | Fr. Louis R. Gigante | Rev. George G. Murdock |
Fr. Peter Barjacoba | Fr. Anthony J. Giuliano | Fr. Arthur E. Murphy |
Fr. Michael J. Barrett | Fr. Matthew P. Golden | Fr. Edmund W. Netter |
Fr. Edward M. Barry | Br. Lawrence Gordon | Fr. Randolph Nowak |
Fr. Juan Bazalar | Fr. Richard Gorman | Fr. Edward J. O’Brien |
Fr. Martin Betances-Torres | Fr. William T. Greene | Fr. Eugene J. O’Brien |
Br. Joseph Giles Bisaillon | Fr. Stephen B. Gregory | Br. John Francis O’Brien |
Fr. Ronald Boccieri | Fr. John M. Harrington | Fr. William B. O’Brien |
Br. Dominic Bokulich | Fr. Wallace A. Harris | Fr. Kenneth F. O’Connell |
Fr. Jose Angel Borges Flores | Fr. Robert Harrison | Br. John Justin O’Connor |
Br. Laurence Boschetto | Fr. Richard G. Hartnett | Fr. Daniel M. O’Hare |
Fr. George Boxelaar | Fr. John P. Haverty | Fr. Michael D. O’Herlihy |
Fr. Francis V. Boyle | Fr. Herman L. Heide | Fr. John J. O’Keefe |
Br. Joseph Trunk | Br. Paul Kevin Hennessy | Paul Oligny |
Fr. John Joseph Brady | Fr. Placid Hennessy | Br. Raymond O’Reilly |
Fr. Severin Brady | Fr. Joseph Reginald Herlihy | Fr. John N. Paddack |
Br. Timothy Brady | Fr. Joseph Herzog | Fr. Raphael Pakulniewicz |
Fr. Charles B. Brennan | Fr. Joseph W. Hickey | Fr. Edmond A. Parrakow |
Fr. Robert J. Brennan | Fr. Eugene J. Hicks | Fr. Harold J. Parsons |
Br. Louis Anthony Bucci | Br. Thomas Higgs | Sr. Ann Peterson |
Fr. Thomas A. Burke | Fr. Vincent Francis Holden | Fr. James Pfeiffer |
Fr. Harry J. Byrne | Fr. Walter Hubert Maria Horan | Fr. Thomas R. Phillips |
Fr. Daniel A. Calabrese | Fr. Edward D. Horgan | Fr. Jorge Patricio Pintado Herrera |
Fr. Roy B. Campbell | Fr. Raymond A. Hyland | Fr. Edward A. Pipala |
Fr. Donald R. Campion | Fr. Lawrence C. Inzeo | Fr. Christopher Pliauplis |
Fr. Richard Carbo | Fr. Robert A. Jeffers | Br. Robert Post |
Fr. Robert John Carden | Bishop John Joseph Jenik | Br. Dominic Quigley |
Fr. Cornelius J. Carr | Fr. Kenneth A. Jesselli | Fr. Patrick W. Quigley |
Fr. Maurice Carroll | Fr. Carleton Parker Jones | Fr. Lawrence J. Quinn |
Fr. David L. Carson | Fr. Charles M. Kavanagh | Fr. Lawrence T. Quinn |
Fr. John F. Carson | Fr. Walter T. Kearns | Fr. Michael Raimondo |
Br. Dominic Casiraghi | Fr. James Keehan | Fr. George E. Reinheimer |
Fr. Daniel Cassiero | Fr. Kevin Kelly | Fr. Louis J. Rios |
Fr. Charles Cavalconte | Fr. Stephen J. Kelly | Fr. Robert T. Ritchie |
Fr. Jordan H. Charbonneau | Fr. Timothy Kelly | Fr. Bruce Ritter |
Fr. James Chiosso | Fr. John Kennington | Fr. Esteban Rodriguez |
Br. Joseph M. Clark | Fr. Peter Kiarie | Fr. Ruben Rodriguez |
Fr. Vincent Clyne | Fr. Peter J. Kihm | Fr. Sean Leo Rooney |
Fr. Charles P. Coen | Fr. William Ferrer Kopfman | Fr. Edward M. Roos |
Fr. Kevin Colleran | Fr. Adolph M. Kowalczyk | Fr. Richard H. Roos |
Fr. Melory Joseph Collier | Fr. Thomas L. Kreiser | Fr. John T. Ryan |
Fr. Eugene Connolly | Fr. Morgan J. Kuhl | Fr. Joseph Ryan |
Fr. John W. Coppinger | Fr. Ralph W. LaBelle | Fr. Paul Sappino |
Fr. Daniel J. Croston | Fr. James J. LeBar | Fr. John Sardy |
Fr. Bernard A. Cullen | Fr. John W. Lennon | Fr. William J. Scanlon |
Fr. Thomas A. Cunningham | Fr. Thomas P. Leonard | Br. Alan Scheneman |
Fr. Thomas J. Curley | Fr. Arthur T. Leone | Fr. Peter Sella |
Br. James X. Curran | Br. Christopher Lieby | Fr. John J. Sheehan |
Fr. Herbert F. D’Argenio | Br. James A. Liguori | Fr. Raymond M. Shine |
Fr. Thomas Devery | Br. Robert A. Lindemann | Sister Helen |
Deacon Donald Patrick Dickson | Br. Patrick Logan | Sister Joachim |
Fr. Andrew C. Dittrich | Fr. Francis V. Logue | Sister Juanita |
Fr. Edward J. Dobransky | Fr. William J. Lombardy | Sister Rosemarie |
Fr. Adrian Donachie | Fr. Robert V. Lott | Sister Virginia Marie |
Br. John J. Donovan | Fr. William J. Luciano | Br. Philip Soltau |
Fr. John M. Doolan | Fr. Bernard J. Lynch | Fr. Anthony Spano |
Fr. Daniel M. Dougherty | Fr. John J. Lynch | Fr. Francis Stinner |
Sr. Frances Doyle | Fr. Joseph Maffei | Fr. Daniel J.L. Sullivan |
Fr. Roy A. Drake | Fr. Peter V. Malloy | Fr. Paul V. Sullivan |
Fr. Jaime H. Duenas | Fr. Donald T. Malone | Fr. Vincent T. Taglienti |
Fr. Aidan T. Duffy | Fr. Eugene Mangan | Fr. James Tamburrino |
Fr. Vincent Duffy | Fr. Alvin Manni | Fr. Samuel Taylor |
Fr. John F. Dwyer | Deacon Arthur Manzione | Fr. Joseph L. Theisen |
Fr. Anthony Joseph Eremito | Fr. Umberto Marino | Fr. Thomas J. Thompson |
Fr. Ricardo Fajardo | Fr. Patrick H. Martin | Fr. Donald G. Timone |
Fr. Joseph J. Faraone | Fr. Stanley G. Mathews | Fr. Aldo J. Tos |
Fr. Keith Fennessy | Deacon Albert J. Mazza | Fr. Joseph C. Towle |
Br. Salvatore A. Ferro | Cardinal Theodore Edgar McCarrick | Rev. Richard Trezza |
Fr. Joseph D. Fitzgerald | Fr. James F. McCarthy | Br. Jorge Luis Vasquez-Erazo |
Fr. John A. Flaherty | Fr. John Joseph McCarthy | Bishop Austin Bernard Vaughan |
Fr. Edward Flanagan | Fr. Richard J. McCormick | Fr. John Vincent |
Fr. John D. Flanagan | Fr. Charles McDonagh | Fr. Donatus Walsh |
Fr. Andrew Florez | Fr. John P. McDonagh | Fr. James J. Walsh |
Fr. Edmund F. Fogarty | Fr. Charles J. McGirr | Fr. Edward J. Weber |
Fr. Raymond J. Foster | Br. Robert B. McGovern | Deacon Joseph Weckbach |
Fr. Vincent J. Fox | Fr. Joseph Ignatius McGuiness | Fr. Donald J. Whelan |
Fr. Matthew L. Gaskin | Fr. James McLucas | Fr. James E. White |
Fr. Thomas J. Gaffney | Deacon Lawrence McNeill | Fr. William T. White |
Fr. Alfred F. Gallant | Fr. Roger McQuarrie | Fr. John V. Wilkinson |
Fr. John P. Gallant | Br. Thomas Philip McSherry | Fr. William E. Williams |
Br. Damian Galligan | Fr. Jogues McVeigh | Fr. Casper G. Wolf |
Get Help Filing a NY Clergy Sexual Abuse Claim
If you are a survivor of sexual abuse by a clergy member or other person affiliated with the Catholic Church in New York, you are not alone, and you have rights. Our experienced New York priest abuse attorneys are ready to help you.
It can take years to process sexual abuse and come forward. This is why the Child Victims Act is such a crucial piece of legislation. It dramatically extends the time victims have to come forward.
If you’re ready to share your story and seek compensation and justice for the harm you’ve suffered, our empathic attorneys are ready to help. Getting closure and holding sexual predators accountable is easier with an experienced law firm by your side.
Saunders & Walker P.A. offers a confidential case evaluation at no cost to you. There is no substitute for sound legal advice when you have been the victim of past abuse by a trusted religious figure.
Contact us today at 1-800-748-7115 to speak to one of our team members about which legal avenues are available to you or a loved one.